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Business Advisory

Future-Proof Your Business: Expert Business and Tax Analysis & Advisory for Long-Term Profitability

As a business owner, your time is invaluable, and we understand that your focus should be on growing your business, not becoming an accountant. At Stidd CPA, I recognize the need for business owners to have readily available data to make informed decisions and successfully steer their ventures.

Business Advisory Services

My goal is to provide you with the assurance that your financial data is not just accurate but also invaluable in running your business. Trust Stidd CPA to be your partner in achieving financial clarity, giving you the freedom to focus on what matters most—growing and nurturing your business. Let Brian handle the numbers so you can lead with confidence.

Review Client Prepared Financials

Ensure the accuracy of your financial records with our meticulous review of client-prepared financials, providing a reliable foundation for sound financial decision-making.

Management Use Report

Obtain a comprehensive report featuring essential financial statements including the balance sheet, income statement, agreed upon report calculation, and ratio analysis.

Outsourced Accounting

Don’t have an internal accountant? Stidd CPA is here to help with outsourced accounting services. Click here to see your options and learn more about how we can help you streamline your finance and accounting functions.

Accounting Software Selection

Selecting the right accounting software is crucial for your business, and I’m here to help. Unlike firms pushing QuickBooks due to preference, Stidd CPA will recommend the right software for your needs, be it QuickBooks, XERO, Sage, or any other.

Feeling overwhelmed by tax paperwork? I can help—schedule a meeting.

Service Packages for Business Advisory

Services Advisory Planning Base
Review Client Prepared Financials
Propose AJEs and Adjusted Balances
Accounting Assistance

Quarterly Management Use Report with:

Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Quarterly Tax Review
Agreed Upon Report Calculation
Ratio Analysis
Budget Creation and Review

Minimum Quarterly Fee




Feeling overwhelmed by tax paperwork? I can help—schedule a meeting.